Overseeing robust and efficient freshwater planning

A portrait photo of a landscape depicting water flowing through sandy banks with hills in the background covered in trees.

The Chief Freshwater Commissioner plays a key role in the Freshwater Planning Process.

Regional Councils and Unitary Authorities are expected to have plans in place to protect and restore waterways by 2026. These plans will give effect to Te Mana o Te Wai by prioritising the health and well-being of freshwater, in line with the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 and other national direction under the Resource Management Act.

The Freshwater Planning Process sets out how decisions will be made on what’s in those plans, taking the views of tangata whenua, communities and other interested parties into account.

Find out more about the Freshwater Planning Process [Ministry for the Environment website]

Read a message from the Chief Freshwater Commissioner

For any questions email us at administrator@freshwaterplanning.govt.nz

Our People

Our People

A portrait photo of Judge Laurie Newhook.

Judge L J Newhook

Chief Freshwater Commissioner

Judge Craig Thompson

Freshwater Commissioner

Alec Neill

Freshwater Commissioner